Abril 29, 2013
Repentance is to Change Everything...Thoughts, Desires, Actions...a Real & Possible Process
Repentance is to change anything- our thoughts, desires, actions, beliefs, traditions, etc- that is not in harmony with God´s will and put it inline with His will. Brigham Young said, "Virtue is knowing the will of God and doing it." Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly.
Got my package. Thanks for everything. I might have to send the rain jacket back home because I think you thought I was fat now and bought a LARGE! I haven´t gained that much weight, mom!
Repentance is to Change Everything...Thoughts, Desires, Actions...a Real & Possible Process
Elder Hill, Yatziri and Elder Orozco |
Yatziri was baptized yesterday after church and it was a great experience. She felt really scared (of the water) before but she was really happy after. She started crying when everyone got up to congratulate her after the service and she felt the power of the Atonement.
This week we had Zone conference and we talked a lot about repentance and how, as missionaries, we need to teach people better the doctrine of repentance. I have learned a lot this week as I have been studying this topic. I´ve learned that obedience is what gives us the exaltation in the world to come. God is no respecter of persons nor can he look upon sin in the least degree as acceptable. There are a few scriptures that I like to use when teaching this topic.
![]() |
Yatziri y familia |
-Mosiah 2:23-24 because we are all debtors of the Lord for all that He has done for us.
-Mosiah 4:1-3; 5:2 because they repented, felt the Spirit, and were changed so that they had no more desire to do evil.
-James 4:17 because we all know what is right and wrong and we sin when we choose not the right thing.
Repentance is to change anything- our thoughts, desires, actions, beliefs, traditions, etc- that is not in harmony with God´s will and put it inline with His will. Brigham Young said, "Virtue is knowing the will of God and doing it." Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly.
I know that repentance is a real and possible process. It is a requirement to salvation and exaltation.
Also, last week we were walking along a street and some guys from the other side threw bottles at us and they shattered against the wall, spraying us with glass. I thought of Samuel the Lamanite in Helaman 16:2, but changing stones and arrows to bottles. Life as a missionary takes on different views. :)
Have a great week!
Elder Hill
Sister Call and I and a sunrise going to church.
The 2 red-heads! Elder Hill and Hermana Call (Mission President's lovely wife) |
Sunrise on way to church |
Ma: Actually, u always like large, we tried it on, thought better. VERY nice jacket. I'll send medium. Like pants and tie?
April 22, 2013
Confirmations and Dentist y Confirmaciones y Dentales
Hey, I`m on but only for a few minutes. Sorry. We went to the dentist and took longer than we expected, we just barely got done. She started a whitening session and is going to find me some new gel for my trays. We`ll see how it goes. (I sent him a whole thing of gel…hmmm, what’s he eating?)
Looks like a good dance pic. (Josh's senior prom pix) Was that Prom already? How time flies.
Confirmations and Dentist y Confirmaciones y Dentales
Hey, I`m on but only for a few minutes. Sorry. We went to the dentist and took longer than we expected, we just barely got done. She started a whitening session and is going to find me some new gel for my trays. We`ll see how it goes. (I sent him a whole thing of gel…hmmm, what’s he eating?)
Looks like a good dance pic. (Josh's senior prom pix) Was that Prom already? How time flies.
Yesterday, Flor and her daughters Aurora and Laurisa were confirmed members of the Church. It would have been great to be involved but while we went out of the meeting for an investigator, we missed seeing the actual ordinance but I know that they will feel the difference in their lives with the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Pati is a referral from a recent convert in another ward and she is one of those people who has been looking for the truth for a long time but hasn`t found it. She is divorced and her church has pretty much shunned her for that so she just stopped going. She went to church yesterday and loved it. My companion got to talk to her before she escaped out the door and she said that she hopes to keep coming because she felt the peace in her heart.
Keep you chins up high because in the eternal perspective of things, ALL IS WELL.
Elder Hill
Abril 15, 2013
Por Fin, (Finally!) What A Week, Bautismo, Trial After Trial, Lean On The Lord!
What a week!
Flor, Aurora, and Larisa were FINALLY baptized! It`s been something like two
months since we began teaching them and we`ve had trial after trial after trial
to get them baptized but the work has paid off. They will be confirmed next
week and will be official members of the one and only true Church. It was funny
because we`ve been joking this week of all that has happened to prevent them
from being baptized and then Aurora was baptized 5 times because her dress kept
popping up. Finally.
This week we
went over to a members house to take a picture with an older hermana who is
only in town for a little bit but wanted a picture with us. We got there and
she said, "My grand-daughter is here should I go get her?" and
without us even responding she went upstairs to get her grand-daughter. She`s
our age, name is Yatziri, and is one of those people who has been prepared to
hear the Gospel. So far we`ve taught her three times and in ever lesson she has
cried because she felt the Spirit. She accepted her baptismal date for April
28th without any problem. She didn`t know that her mom is actually a member of
the Church, but inactive for years. She remembers that she went to a church
where they taught her to not believe in idols and all that, but she didn`t
remember which one it was. Her grandma told her the other day that her mom had
been baptized as well. She has a friend who has invited her to another church
and she has gone twice but she told us on the first day that after feeling the
Spirit she felt `located` or comfortable here. She went to church and the
baptism yesterday and loved it all.
Yesterday I
woke up at 7:10a (Church starts at 8 and normally we get up at 6 on Sundays)
and I told Orozco that the phone`s alarm didn`t go off. We hurried up and got
to church a little late. Later, Orozco told me that the alarm did go off but
that I hit snooze and rolled back over. I don`t remember ANYTHING that happened
before I woke up. It must have been one of those nights that I was just super
tired. Oops.
Well, that`s
about all that has been going on. We`re working on finding new people to teach
but it`s been a little tough. Today I listened to President Eyring`s talk again
from Saturday Morning`s session and I felt yet again the power that comes from
his testimony. All of the Prophets and Apostles are chosen by Christ Himself
and He guides this church because it is His. He talks to President face to face
just as he did with Moses on Mount Sinai. The Church is true. No doubt about
it. I hope everyone has a great week. Reach out to someone who needs the Gospel
and make their day, and maybe even their life.
Elder Hill
Abril 8, 2013/April 8, 2013
Conferencia General ~ General Conference #183
Just as Daniel prophesied so many years ago
the Church continues to roll and fill the entire earth. Every nation, tribe,
clime, tongue, etc, is being filled with the message of the Restoration of the
truth. It reminds me of the standard of truth that Joseph Smith published in
the newspaper. Nothing can destroy the work of God.
I loved conference this weekend because they
talked so much more about missionary work and the family. I feel like they go
hand in hand. Something that was said was that missionary preparation comes
from the example of the father. There is a family from my ward here that has a
lot of kids, already grown up. Each one of them who could serve a mission, did.
The father said as Joshua of old, "As for me and my house we will serve
God....In this family, we serve missions." With the recent changes in age
and requirements, missionary work may now become a family tradition. How great
is the Lord!
In my studies this week I was studying about
the Spirit World and what will happen there. One thing that reaffirmed my
testimony of how important this work is was that if someone has the opportunity
to hear the Gospel here in this life and rejects it, they will NEVER be able to
reach the celestial glory. The highest kingdom that they can get to is the
Terrestrial. A lot of people say, "They´re a hard person to convert, too
bad they don´t accept this message. Good thing they´ll have a chance in the
spirit world." What I learned is this: That thought it is apostasy and
that we need to do all that we can to help people-- more our family and
friends-- accept this message so that they can truly be saved and receive
salvation. It motivates me that much more to be able to work hard and find
people who are ready. I know that we can do it. D&C 84:85- Have the faith
that when you open your mouth that it will be filled with the words needed, and
in that order. First faith to open then it becomes filled. Ye receive no
miracle until AFTER the trial of your faith.
This week we found an older lady who let us
in to teach her. We taught a brief version of the Restoration and invited her
to ask God if it was true. She asked, "right now?" and we said yes,
thinking that ´right now´meant when we leave. But right there she asked the
question, "God, is true what these boys have taught me?" We just
waited there not knowing what to do but not having the words to say anything.
After a long pause she told us that she thought that it was true because she
felt something in her chest (aka- burning in the bosom). We hadn´t even explained
to her how she was going to receive her answer and she already had it. We have
an appointment with her today so we´ll see how it goes. We haven´t seen
Jovita either so we don´t know how she´s doing. Flor. Aurora, and Larisa will
be getting baptized next Saturday so I hope to be able to send pics of a
baptism next week!
President Eyring´s testimony on Saturday
morning was THE HIGHLIGHT to conference. He knows that Christ lives just as
Joseph Smith did in the first vision. What does that mean? That´s exactly what
it means. Christ lives and he speaks to his prophets face to face just as he
did in olden days. Amos 3:7.
God´s will for us in the
next 6 months.
We showed up just in time for cake and Orozco
sure enjoyed it!
Emails back and forth Monday:
So we had a few changes this week. We now
have a little bit more time to write on Mondays AND we can write friends and
whoever, if and when we have time.
(re listening to conference on ipod or
Priesthood Session on Mac) You have to download all of the conference track on
itunes and put it on the ipod to be able to listen to conference.
I didn´t get the package last week because
the zone leaders didn’t bring packages from the offices to the zone because we
have zone conference in two weeks and President Call will bring it then.
On my facebook I´m friends with a John Taylor
who is a firefighter. He served in this mission way back in the day and was
here in Queretaro. Can you ask him if he has anyone that he would like me to
say hello to or at least send a little not with the missionaries to say hello,
Hope you enjoyed conference. ttyl.
Ma~It is POURING RAIN! I think u will love
your new rain jacket!
EH~It´s super hot here.... not sure I´ll need
it if I stay in this mission, but for sure if I go to Hidalgo or Mexico.
Love you. gotta go. I´ll get the package next
Wednesday I hope.
Ma~ Awesome. It's really lite, vented...took
that into account when I got it. Rainy season is may to Oct. Have a great week,
love u. Pray for all of us! Te amo!
EH~love you, too. thanks for everything
Elder Hill
Ma~YW. Thanks for being such a good son! Have
an awesome week! <3
for Miracles, SO Excited for General Conference & "If It´s To Be, It´s
Up To Me!" (Orando por Milagros, muy emocionada por la Conferencia General,
"Si es que ser, depende de mí!")
Josh, Mom, Mike & Destiny after church on Easter..sent to Elder Hill |
Hey, is the picture down in Ryan´s house? I´m glad to see that everyone went. (to church)
Tell the Neslen´s hello and the Williams. Seems so quick since they left and are home again.
(excerpt from Mom's weekly letter) When watching He is Risen, I thought about something. Even Jesus, didn’t necessarily want to do the “hard & scary” thing. HE EVEN asked God in Gethsemane basically, do I have to do this? Wanna change your mind? That was really big for me, kind of just I dunno. You know what I am attempting to explain.....
Interesting about Christ is that when the Angel (Adam) came to visit him he was probably giving him a good little buddy chat because they were like pals back in the creation. Elder Holland said in his talk from April 2009, None Were With Him, that even Christ may not have been totally prepared for the weight that was about to be put upon his soul with all of the burdens of the universe, but none the less, he fulfilled so that we might have the opportunity to repent and be clean to enter the kingdom of God. Read Elder Holland's "None Were With Him"
These last few weeks have been a little difficult for us to be able to find new people to teach. Saturday night I knelt down to pray at the end of a long hard week and asked forgiveness for what I had done (or lacked to do) during the week and asked for a miracle in Church on Sunday. It´s something that I only do when I really feel like I´ve done my part, and it appears to be that way. Sunday morning we got to church and when sacrament meeting was over a member came over to us and said, "Elders, this is my friend Cruz. He´s been taking the lessons in Puebla but he´ll be living here for a while. He´s been to church a few times and would like to get baptized." We were shocked but so grateful. We talked to him and he really understands the importance of having the truth and being baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God. After the services ended, we were helping the ward sectretary fix a few things in the ward list. It was an hour after we had ended and the other ward was just beginning when someone came to us and told us that someone had arrived who lived in our area but had just walked in and sat down. We went and talked to her (Jovita----Ho-vi-ta) and she said that she has an anxiousness to know our church. She knows a few members and that has helped her have the confidence. She came with her 10 year old daughter, Monse, and they were both happy. During one of the classes Jovita was asked which gift of the Spirit she had. She said, "I would say patience and love, but more love because I´ve had some problems with my husband and I know that this (being a member of this church) will bring more problems, but I love God more than my husband." Later in the afternoon we went to visit her and she said that she just feels an impulse to keep learning more about the Gospel and that she wants her kids, 15yrs and 18yrs, to grow closer to God. Her 10 year old daughter told us that before going to church yesterday she never liked the idea of going away from home and serving a mission, however, after listening to someone give a talk and share his experiences from his mission that she TOO wants to serve a mission when she reaches that age. What a powerful moment to feel the Spirit! This a family that right now has serious problems, however, the power of the Gospel changes lives. The Book of Mormon is a source of spiritual power if we just feast upon its words. I know that this family can be united and it is God´s purpose that all families across the world have the opportunity to change just as this family has. ![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEge_jWbpPcdoudTJlg3l45N4-nDImZZOxEg48tHQLMIqfDylOExtpjMwG4qndz-CcySMaTxInsmJdIZiNbGQhbyeTrfmUJxthcFFy9qyXRKCV0z2zPFN5ODHZvO2pFHH_m8DYqqEZBDYX6V/s640/Elder+Hill+Quere%CC%81taro+Hidalgo+road.JPG)
This week is conference and I´m so excited. Time has flown by since the last conference. I will not be surprised to hear more profetic changes in the sessions of conference this week. We are in an age just before the 2nd Coming of Christ and we are here to prepare the way. Let us all press on has been stuck in my head for a while. Just as D&C says, Shall we not press on in so great a cause? Let us be participants rather than spectators.
The Church is True. No doubt that Christ lives and that God loves us, for we are His children and He is willing to bless us. Faith works miracles. Let us look to build our faith to find more miracles in our daily lives. Ether 12 is a great chapter to study-- not just read.
Elder Hill
PIX: Carrot Top from a primary snack
A road in our area and momument
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