
Monday, June 24, 2013

Happy Monday & EVERY Member a MISSIONARY!


Happy Monday! 

Yesterday was pretty awesome to be able to see the worldwide zone conference, as Elder Holland called it, about missionary work. It was good to have the Apostles and Prophet talk about how we need to have more faith in the work of the Lord and to work better together as members and missionaries. A lot of people still feel like missionary work is only for missionaries and that they as members don´t have any part in it. FALSE! It´s so much better to work through the members because in a ward my companion and I might only be two, but with the ward we can be two hundred and two. I started thinking about what kind of member I want to be when I get home and whether I will be one of those members who is always giving referrals because I am truly converted to the Gospel or one of those who says that their neighbors know that they are members and that´s sufficient for them. The latter, however, is not God´s way of acting. Let us all be anxiously engaged in a good cause. I felt the spirit so strong yesterday and I realized yet again just how important my calling as a missionary is and how important it will be for me after the mission to keep going. Just as Elder Holland told the missionaries in a talk once- when Christ called us as missionaries it was forever; members forever; disciples forever. I was a missionary before coming to this world, I am a missionary in this world, and I will yet become a missionary in the Spirit World to come. 
It´s hurricane season and even though we are pretty inland, we still receive the effects of the storm. The rains have been pretty hard lately from the hurricanes down near Veracruz and the Gulf. It´s kind of fun, but getting everything bundled up in the backpack so it doesn´t get wet is a little challenging sometime. Oh, and I totally forgot last week to say Happy Father´s day to everyone it applies to! 

We had transfers today, but Elder Palacios and I stay the same. It will be a good opportunity to change. The both of us will stay in the Mexico City North mission so that´s kind of fun. 

On Friday, I went to the temple in D.F. to see the sealing of Raul and Lorena and their kids, Uriel and Gael. I was told by the missionaries in La Quebrada that it would be at 2pm. We got there at 1:30p to be early and they told us that they were already in the sealing session because their appointment was at 1:00p. So, we had to wait outside until they came down from the sealing room and when Raul saw me in the changing room he was kind of shocked. They told me that they had just been sealed and asked if that was why I came. I explained what had happened and they understood. We ate in the cafeteria and went to take pictures outside afterwards. Funny thing, I took my camera in the temple inside my suitcoat (because I didn´t take my backpack) and I spaced it and pulled it out in the cafeteria to show some pictures of last year and how we have changed. I got in trouble by one of the workers and he told me to put it away. So, we took pictures and said our goodbyes. We returned to our area on the bus and it was kind of sketchy because lately there have been a lot of muggings going on. I had to tie my camera to my belt loop and put it down my pants because I didn´t want it to possibly get stolen...not so comfortable. 

We helped the Pinedo family paint part of their house this week to cover up all of the ash and everything that was damaged in the fire. I´ll attach some pics. 

Well, I hope that everything goes great this week. Find a friend who needs to come to Christ-- whether it be a non-member, less active, or fully active Bishop-- we all need to help our brothers and sisters. That´s one thing I realized coming on the mission-- my home teaching families were always active and with callings, so I thought it not too important to visit them. Well, we visit them so that they don´t become less active! I´ve matured now. :) 

Alejandro is progressing well. He has his baptismal date for the 21st of July. He told us this week that he really wants to change because his girlfriend really wants him to change and he wants to be with her. Yet another story of how a woman can make a change in a man. Anyway, he´s really enjoying the church and all that comes with it. He has already received a lot of answers that it is true and he is set on getting baptized and inviting his girlfriend to listen, too, so that maybe one day they may be sealed. Pretty good kid if I might say so myself. 

Have a fabulous week! Love you all! 

Elder Hill 


-Hno. Pinedo going on the mission so he was endowed on Friday and we ran into them at the temple. 
- the burned room and the painted part 
cheesy missionary humor from Elder Richardson (Ogden, UT) 
Our district with the assistants Elder Dove and Elder Hyde

After the sealing. Compared to last year´s pic when i left La QB I think i´ve grown.... 
- fountain pic
temple with pinedo (ps- that´s the suit i gave him... i didn´t even recognize it when i saw him.)

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