
Monday, August 20, 2012

Lo Mejor de Ambos Lados ~ (Best of Both Sides) and A Lamb In A Wheelbarrow, Now Missing it's Hoof(ves)

Me with a lizard in the street that Elder Baez
caught when we were on exchanges

Bummer to hear about Tom passing away. He was a really great guy. 

Tell Chris sorry to hear about his brother. That´s a bummer also, but he´s in a better place being taught the Gospel.

I still haven´t received the package, either. It should come this week, but I don´t really know. Should get it before transfers on the 3rd.

Something I´ve learned and dealt with here in Mexico is just because one is released doesn´t mean they should stop going to church. A member of the Church never gets released from being a member nor un-assigned from visiting/home teaching. Christ doesn´t need the church; we need the church in order to make it back to His presence. If we don´t fulfill with ALL of the ordinances, we won´t be able to make it back. And ONLY in this Church do we have that opportunity. It isn´t a game, it´s salvation.

The mission is great. I´m enjoying everything that I do. And I won´t be coming home early.... sorry! (I had a dream/nightmare, really that he came back early from an injury! We are thrilled even if we miss him, we don't wanna see him early!)

LOOK TO SEE IF TRANSLATE WILL WORK ON TOP OF BROWSER OR TO RIGHT CLICK TRANSLATE. I have always wanted him to write in Spanish and as I received this, I wanted to beg him not to! I have attempted to do so here... (Wendy)

Muy buenas tardes a todos, (Very good afternoon to all)
Ésta semana estuvo muy bien. (This week was very good.) México ganó el oro en las Olimpiadas en Inglaterra y Estados Unidos ganó a México en un partído nacional aquí, entonces tengo lo mejor de ambos lados de mi mente. (Mexico won gold in the Olympics and the United States won Mexico, so it's the best of both sides on my mind.)
United States 1, Mexico 0. U.S. Wins in Mexico, (Soccer) for the First Time In 75 Years!

Ésta semana yo leí un discurso que se llama "Only an Elder" por Bruce R. McKonkie y ese hombre era muy poderoso. (This week I read "Only An Elder, by Bruce R. McKonkie, he is a powerful man.) 
Aprendí mucho de lo que yo debo hacer y ser como misionero y miembro de ésta iglesia. Lo recomiendo para todos, aunque sean mujeres.  (I learned more of what I have to do as a missionary and member of this Church. I recommend it for everyone, even the woman.) También estaba leyendo otro discurso que se llama "The Transforming Power of Faith and Character" por Richard G. Scott de la Conferencia de Octubre 2010, 
creo. Igual, aprendí muchisimo is es una fuente muy poderosa de lo que tenemos que hacer como miembros y discípulos de Cristo. (A lot is learned and (these) are a very powerful source(s) for us to know what we should do as (Church) members and Disciples of Christ.)
Hilda todavía quiere tomar un bautizmo y eso es muy bueno. (Hilda wants to be baptized and that is very good.) Solo tenemos unos detalles con ella porque tiene que ir a Veracruz otra vez para trabajar, y no sabemos todavía lo que va a hacer. (We have details to work out because he has to work in Veracruz) Encontramos una persona que se llama Victor. Es muy buena persona y acceptó su fecha bautismal, (We found a person named Victor, he is a very good person, we accept his baptismal date,) pero no pudo venir a la capilla ayer porque se esposa tuvo una cita con el ultrasonido para su embaraza. (he could not come yesterday because his wife had an ultrasound appointment.) Lo vamos a visitar hoy. (We will visit today.) Nadia se mudó hasta otro lado y ya no podemos vistarle, tampoco la dieron permiso sus padres para bautizarse. (Nadia moved to the other side, so we cannot visit, nor did parents give permission to baptize (her).) Vamos a dejar Edgar y Denise una semana más para ver sí deciden que quieren venir a la iglesia y cumplir con sus compromisos. (We leave Edgar & Denise for another week to see if they will come to church & fulfill their commitments) No es su tiempo todavía. (It's not their time yet) Estamos enseñando a Paulino y su familia. (We are teaching Paulino & family) Son investigadores de años con muchos misioneros. (Some investigators spent years with many missionaries.) Su hija es miembro, pero no vive aquí. (Her daughter is a member, but does not live here.) Su problema es que estan un poco duros de corazón pero lo ésta (Her problem is a little hard heart, (softening.) ablandando mucho, y éstan progresando poco a poco. (progressing a little) Por fin estan leyendo el Libro de Mormón, so faltan que lean y oran para recibir una respuesta. (They are finally reading the Book of Mormon, so now to pray and receive a confirmation of it's truth/ a reponse.) José tomó despúes de su bautizmo, como una semana, pero ya está bien. Él quiere dejar todo atrás y empezar de nuevo. (I think it says Jose took off after his baptism, about a week later is doing well but left for a fresh start...basically.)
Me "playing" the guitar with a hat and
ray-ban´s looking like a country song
Tuvimos entrevistas el Viernes y fueron muy bien. Hablé con presidente, y me siento muy bien en mi progreso como persona y misionero. (Interviews Friday went very well, I spoke to President (Call), I feel I am progressing very well as a person & missionary.)
Pués, es todo. No hay nada más interesante pasando aquí. (Well that's all, Nothing more interesting here) Vamos a seguir trabajando y haciendo todo lo posible para encontrar personsas para enseñar. (We will keep working to encounter people to teach.) Que hagan todo lo posible para ser lo mejor que pueda, en si mismo, y no comparandose con otras personas. (Make every effort to be the best you can, in yourselves, don't compare yourself to others.)
Hasta luego, (Until then,)

Elder Hill

Wait until the 3rd and I will tell you what´s up. (re: transfers) Also, you can add this to my letter, but I´m not going to write in Spanish. (WHEW!!)


On Saturday, we went to find a person in a village called Anaya. We ended up finding somebody else, but right as we started talking to them, some guy came out to the street with a lamb in a wheelbarrow. I thought, "Huh.... he´s just going to wheel the sheep to where he needs it instead of walking it. That´s strange." But no, it was even more strange. He just takes it to the side of a ditch and kills it. Elder Treviño runs over to ask him what he is doing and he jsut says that they have some baptisms tomorrow so they are going to cook some barbacoa lamb. So, while I am teaching these two people outside of their house, Treviño is over there taking pictures and recording the whole thing. When I finish, I go over and contact the guy and tell him that we are missionaries. At one point in the process, the guy breaks one of the hoofs off to have his kids take it to start being cleaned to cook. Then my companion asks if he can break one of the remaining three, and he does! Then I, being a little bit competitive, decided that I would ask, too, and I got to break one! I was a little more worried about blood getting on my shirt than my companion, but I came out clean. Normally I would say "No way!", but only once in my life will I ever be able to say that I broke a sheep hoof in my mission. That was the strangest part of the mission so far, because I saw everything-- from skinning, to hanging it in a tree and taking all the parts out. (I'll bet that GROSSED him out!)

Gotta go, Love you.

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